Friday, December 2, 2016

Torty the tortoise came to visit

In 1914 Ms Little's father-in-law Stuart Little left his home town of Dunedin for the desert, where he was a stretcher bearer at Gallipoli and accompanied the many wounded to hospital. 
"One day, Stuart saw this tortoise walking around [where] they took the wounded from Gallipoli and then immediately this terrible thing happened," says Ms Little. 
As it turns out, Torty was run over by a French gun carriage and when Mr Little picked her up, there was the large dent in the shell - her own war wound - and the dent is still there. 
A chuck of her shell was broken off and she also lost a few toes. Mr Little asked some of the locals in Salonica how old they thought Torty was, to which they replied, give or take around 100 years old.  
That would make Torty around 200 years old. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Caleb M and Caleb Y with their winning Lego land yacht.

The winning yacht travelled nearly 2 metres powered by just the wind from an electric fan.
Great creativity and problem solving skills at work here.  Well done boys!
What other technological achievements await you two in the future?

Miss Whitwell read us a story about a grumpy pirate. There was a lesson in the story for us all.

Dr Ferrar even had time to read to us. (He read quite a scary story!)

The Year 9's from the High School came over and read to us too

Shannon from the army also came and read us a book

Sean from the Palmerston North Library read a very entertaining book! There were lots of laughs!

We greatly enjoyed our time reading to preschool