Thursday, May 19, 2016

Congratulations . . .

Well done Rachel, Griffin and Liam on your Study Ladder achievements.  A great effort!

Griffin - a start student in D3 this week.  His written work is completed with care and detail.

Jack you are doing so well.  You know and use mental strategies when solving addition and subtraction problems.
You have also achieved a certificate in Study Ladder.  Keep up the great effort!

Friday, May 13, 2016

CCS Cross-Country . . . less than 2 weeks to go!!

Joshua is setting a fast pace at the front!

Griffin is pushing hard and comes in the top 5 every time!

Emmanuel giving his best

Oscar is digging in

Rachel pushes through the pain to do her best

Sam just keeps on going

Congratulations . . .

Dre was awarded a Cornerstone Award this week.
Dre always gives his best and works diligently to complete his work to a high standard.  Well done Dre.

Dr Ferrar . . . the mad scientist!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Homework Holiday Acrostic Poems . . .

Wow, what a wonderful time you had in the holidays with your cousins, Victoria.
I also like all the details you have included to create a really full picture in the readers head.  Nice work!

I'm glad to hear you did lots of laughing out loud, Talia.  Laughter is the best medicine!

Addition and Subtraction Strategies

Watch these videos to see how we use strategies to solve and addition and subtraction problems -

Subtraction using compensation strategy
Compensation strategy

Compensation strategy using the number line

Jumping back to a ten

make a ten

Addition strategies
Split strategy

Jump strategy

Make a ten

addition and subtraction are inverse operations

Congratulations . . .

Well done Victoria and Lile - both putting in a huge effort with their spelling.
 Zooming through the solar system in our spelling program!

Term 2

Welcome back to a new and exciting term.  This term we explore the fact that 'God never changes' - He is the same yesterday and today and forever.  Hebrew 13 v 8.  Our theme study will be on electricity and will include some work with batteries, circuits and light bulbs.  Week 4 sees us all competing in our school wide cross-country.  We also have art lessons with Mrs Sneddon for 5 Fridays.  Netball coaching is happening each Wednesday afternoon.  We sure will be working hard!