Monday, August 3, 2015

Our descriptive stories . . .

Outside this window . . . 
I see the rain shining like diamonds in the cold, wintry, grey sky. The sounds is like a lion roaring on the roof of my house. The warm smell of fish and chips drifts slowly into my bedroom from the kitchen. It smells delicious and salty and it reminds me of when Ashwin, my little brother, first tried them. I open my window just a crack and the cold icy air sucked that delicious salty smell away.  It left behind the damp, chilly smell of winter. The air felt so frosty that it almost burnt my fingers off. I quickly slammed the window closed and said to myself It's time to warm up my chilly fingers and my hungry tummy with those hot yummy, scrummy fish and chips. 
By Taufa Bason
Outside this window . . .       
It’s 1918 and I’m high in the air when suddenly BANG! Someone shoots the glass, some glass cuts my nose. I look down to the ground and see someone aiming a gun at me so I shoot him. He starts screaming, then hundreds of other men come. It is WAR! Fifty other planes (on our side) come and about a hundred men come. I can just taste the blood from my cut nose.  BOOM!  We had just let a bomb go, it made an ear deafening sound. A body slammed against the glass of my truant and fell off leaving blood stains on my truant’s glass. This war isn't coming to an end I thought. My truant shakes violently, bodies lie everywhere, it’s a horrid sight. I try and focus on firing but I just can't concentrate because of all the blood and screams around me. When suddenly, out of nowhere, another airplane starts firing at us. “It’s a big boy” one of my friends says. The pilot says “focus all fire on the big boy” then all the truants face the huge airplane and the whole aircraft starts shaking and fills with the sound of firing.  The aircrafts propeller set on fire and crash near some trees with a loud BOOM! The trees catch on fire, those trees fall over onto other trees and made a bush fire.  A war and now a bush fire, we have to retreat thanks to the bush fire but I still think we won.                 
 By Luke Dore-Wright
Outside the car window . . .
I can see a muddy soccer field in front of me with adults running and slipping on it. They are wearing dirty blue shorts and blue and white shirts with splashes of mud all over them. They are shouting " pass to me I'm in the open. I can score a goal."  I see the wet dirty ball being passed to the person waving their arms in the open and suddenly a goal is scored.  I hear them celebrating.  Jumping, slipping and cheering excitedly after they scored the goal. They are now winning 3-0 - "go, go, go!!!" I shout.  I wanted them to win.  By the end of the game the final score is 28-0! Yes they won. I want to play for that team when I grow up, I thought to myself.                                                                     
by Matthew Tamblyn 
Outside this window . . .
I can see my neighbor Liz as she cooked dinner.  As smoke rises I saw a hand wipe the smoke away.  Suddenly a breeze came in and I smelt the sweet smell of a BBQ and the smell of green summer grass.  I hear the clanging noise of the shovels hitting the stones, while kids giggle and laugh as they pass the soccer ball between them.
 By Anika White
Outside this window. . .
I looked out the window and I saw snowflakes falling, swaying side to side like golden, red, orange leaves falling from a tree.  Then I heard children yelling and yahooing.  They were wearing bobbed hats, blue jumpers and black boots.  I could just make out what they were saying. "It’s snowing!" Then I smelt something yummy float through the air. I followed the smell into the kitchen. I asked mum "what is that smell?" She replied "it is hot chocolate and here's yours". “Thanks" I said excitedly. I took a little sip. It was a little bit hot. I blew on it. Then it was nice and warm. I started drinking the sweet hot chocolate. Then all too soon it was all gone. I walked back to the window. Then I saw the children making a snowman. It was a humongous snowman. Then they started putting a scarf around the snowman's neck. It was red with white polka dots. This was to keep the snowman warm. Then they wandered over to a small tree, snapped off two bare branches. They jogged back over to their well-dressed snowman. They put the brown sticks on the snowman for its arms and then disappeared inside. When they came back outside. I wondered what they were doing. I started starring at them. Ah that's what they are doing I thought, putting an orange, long, pointy carrot into it for its nose. I just felt like eating that delicious crunchy carrot. Then their mum was calling them inside because it was getting cold.  So they rushed inside to the nice warm heater.      
By Jemma Tolmie                                                              

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