Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Our focus in maths at the moment is Statistics.  We have been learning about different ways we can present information / data.  We even made our own graphs on excel.

Remember to do your Statistics Mathletics Tasks and check out the probability games on the blog under Maths.

Read, read, read!

Here are some of our great book reports . . . 

Congratulations . . .

Top effort and results in your number knowledge test Oscar and very descriptive writing Rachel.
Well done you two!!


Our writing focus at the moment is Recounts

We have been learning to start our writing with a Bold Beginning

Here are some excellent examples . . .

"Bowled him!"  I shouted.    (by Oscar)

"Everyone get under your desk!"  shouted Miss Stewart    (by Lile)

Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle!  It couldn't be what I thought it was . . .  (by Rachel)

"Aaaah, run for your lives!" a voice shouted.   (by Dre)

It was scary but it had to be done . . . "   (by Cyrus)

Do these beginnings grab your attention and make you want to read more???

2016 D3

2016 school year has started well and seen us all very busy!

We are learning to put "God as Number One" in our lives, with our key idea being "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind".

During our theme times we have been looking at our school values of - Respect, Diligence, Integrity, Kindness and Humility before God.   We will now more on a new unit looking at the unique natural features of NZ and how we can look after our beautiful country.