Sunday, July 3, 2016

Announcement from Miss Stewart . . .

Sadly D3 I will not be back at school this term.  Mr Brookie will be your teacher on Monday and Mrs Havill your teacher for the rest of the week.

Our portfolios and reports will go out to your parents next term.  Parent teacher interviews will happen early Term 3.

I have not set any homework for you this week but there are plenty of tasks on mathletics and studyladder for you to do.  Send me through any certificates you are awarded and I will have these ready for you next term.

Wednesday you will enjoy a concert from Caleb.M, Victoria and Talia.  Netball will happen Wednesday afternoon as usual, as well as Inter-tribe netball at lunchtime.

Remember to return your school library books.

There will be no pizza lunch this Friday - postponed until next term.

Enjoy your last week of term. You have all worked hard and deserve a refreshing holiday break.  Keep well and I look forward to seeing you all next term.


Miss Stewart

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that Miss Stewart we pray for you if you have any pain we send our blessings to you be well and stay warm and comfy God bless you.B Victoria
