Tuesday, July 21, 2015

John's holiday story

The Worst Bush Walk Ever
Whoosh! A little flying creature flew pass me. What was that thing?  It was a small colorful bird. It was the mid-year school holidays, my dad and I were going bush walking near our house. My dad and I often go out together and I like that because if my brother was there he would annoy me. We were strolling in autumn crunchy leaves. I love the way that they crunch beneath my feet. I saw red, orange, brown leaves on the wet ground. We peered at the astonishing nature it looked a bit like the Garden of Eden. The birds tweeted in their leafless trees. We saw tiny creatures hiding in their small bushes - I think they were frightened because we are giants for them. The other people who were walking towards us stared at their side, their other side, and up at the birds.
 I asked my dad if we could buy ice cream especially chocolate, my favorite. After all the begging and persuading he eventually said yes. I thought he wouldn't because he had to pay for all that house stuff. We sat on some seats licking on my chocolate ice cream. YUM! YUM! Nothing could spoil this moment, until . . . a white bomb dropped from the sky and onto my shoulder. Yep you've guessed it. It was bird poop. YUCK! We drove home because I needed a wash. I was seriously not expecting bird poop on my shoulder. Some bird poop went on my cheek. Dad thought it was ice cream and he told me to lick it but I told him it was bird poop. I scrubbed my cheek as hard as I can which really hurt me. I went to my room and read my favorite book, Tom Gates. I was a bit disappointed though because we had come home early from our bush walk. 

This weeks class awards go to John Cagaoan and Merli George

Monday, July 20, 2015

Term 3 - God is Holy.   
Key Idea - God is Holy, so to Him alone belongs all glory and honour - always and forever.  
Learning Context - Early NZ / The History of Aotearoa.  
The definition of Holiness is being 'set apart' for God's glory.  Simply put, God's Holiness means that He's Perfect and Clean in every way.
"Of all of God's attributes, nothing compares to the splendor and beauty of His holiness. It is chief among His attributes. That means His character is perfect in every way. He is totally pure."    Bill Bright, Discover God

Colin Dodds - Geometric Transformations (Math Song)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

 FUN FRIDAY By Emmanuel

On Friday I made a triangular prism and I cut it all by myself. Miss Whitwell drew some dotted lines to help me. I folded it all by myself and then held it till the glue made it stick. Then I played Scrabble. I had to make words and fit them on the board. Miss Whitwell helped me so I learned some new words. She made me count the scores. Sometimes it was on a double word or triple word so I had to multiply and not just add it up. I got 265 and Miss Whitwell got 218.  I won the game. We did some times tables and some adding at the AA building. We went with Grandma Eileen while she did a drive test.  I did some of this typing myself on the Toshiba computer.  


Today I went to Breakers with Miss Whitwell. We had hot chips, salad and a cheeseburger. We shared it all.  It was a yummy lunch. We saw games and a pretend van. We saw some pretend surfboards on the walls and some were tables. One large notice said ‘Do not climb’.  It was a pretend beach and a pretend life savers room. Breakers Café is a nice place after all.