Monday, March 7, 2016

Our memory verse this week . . . Psalm 46 v 10

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

Here are some of our thoughts . . .

Caleb Y - "It means that He, one day, will have the whole earth singing and praising.  The two words that hit me were "Be still" - i think it means don't be scared in the presence of the Lord."

Oscar - My words - "He says "Be still and know that I am the one to praise; I will be honoured among all countries, I will be praised in all of the earth".

Cyrus - my version - "God is saying to me . . . calm your soul and put me first then you will have the best life anyone has ever lived.  I am King of Kings.  I will be praised and exalted every day."

Jessie - my prayer - "I will be a kind girl.  I will respect my teacher.  I will respect my family you gave me.  I will have humility before you.  I will talk about you any where I go".

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